TDI Sea State
BMCC Bridgeport CT to Freeport MkIII Transit
Latitude: 27.31 N Longitude: 91.16 W
Departure: 24-Apr-2024 21:00
ETA: 26-Apr-2024 01:02:52
Transit time is 28.0 hours at mean speed of 8.45 kts
Remaining distance is 237 nm

TDI Brooks McCall Gyre Proteus Emma McCall Nautilus
3rd Party Nautilus
Shell Zephyrus GT Vineyard Mid Atlantic OCS-A 0544 Equinor NY Bight OCS-A 0512 Las Palmas Yard
DOD AO BMCC Bridgeport CT to Freeport MkII Transit BMCC Bridgeport CT to Freeport MkIII Transit

Vessel Speed
Wave Heights
Regional Passage Forecast
Wave Periods
Regional Passage Forecast
Ocean Winds
Regional Passage Forecast
Surface Currents
Regional Surface Currents
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